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Debra S. Hughes, CAC, Founder and President

Debra's journey is a testament to the transformative power of faith. Redeemed by Christ from the grips of alcoholism and addiction in 2002, she found her purpose in serving others trapped in similar struggles. Her calling came swiftly after her salvation, as she felt a profound directive from God to minister to those lost in the throes of addiction. Driven by her unwavering commitment to following Jesus, Debra embarked on a mission to spread the Gospel, imparting wisdom, and aiding others to find new life and freedom in Christ. This divine calling led her to establish Stillwaters Refuge of Hope, Inc., a beacon of hope for women seeking recovery. Currently serving as President of Stillwaters, Debra's impact extends further through her leadership as the House Manager of the Stillwaters’ women’s recovery homes and in leading the Friday night Women’s recovery group Women at the Well. Her credentials as a Certified Addictions Counselor and her expertise in addiction treatment and recovery underscore her dedication to helping others navigate the path to freedom. Debra's academic journey culminated in a degree in Psychology with a Specialization in Addiction Treatment and Recovery from Liberty University in 2013. Yet, her education is but one facet of her commitment to service. Since her salvation, she has tirelessly volunteered in her community, leveraging her spiritual gifts to uplift others and advance the cause of Christ. She has sacrificed countless hours over the years in service to her community from serving as Clinic Director for A Door of Hope Women’s Ministry to founding and leading Refuge at Live Oak Church, Debra's contributions are manifold. Her roles as a guest speaker, prayer group member, retreat leader, and small group facilitator reflect her multifaceted approach to ministry. In every endeavor, Debra's unwavering faith and dedication shine brightly, illuminating the path to redemption and renewal for all who cross her path.

Sheri Bankston, CPA, Treasurer

Sheri Bankston, CPA, Treasurer

Sheri Bankston is a business consultant with a Bachelor of Science degree in Accounting from Southeastern Louisiana University. Raised in church, Sheri has been involved in various ministerial activities throughout her life. She first felt Jesus tug at her heart at a very young age and recalls immediately and urgently telling her sister why she, too, needed a relationship with Jesus, and as best as she could at that time, the steps to salvation. It was shortly after this experience that her father surrendered to the ministry and moved the family to a small Christian college in Newton, MS.

Throughout her childhood, Sheri recalls being actively involved in her father’s ministry, playing piano for each church he pastored. Just as her parents completed their education from the seminary in New Orleans, Sheri was entering college to obtain her degree in accounting, during which time she continued to serve in the music ministry at her father’s church. After graduating and starting a family, she served as pianist and Treasurer for 15 years, and for a brief period of time as interim youth minister, at Beech Ridge Baptist Church in Walker, and later as pianist at Doyle Baptist Church in Livingston.

Sheri is the proud mother of three children, and the family attends First Baptist Church in Livingston. She is excited for the opportunity to serve as Treasurer of Stillwaters Refuge of Hope Ministry and to be part of an organization with such a heart for the Lord and for sharing His love by ministering to those who suffer from addiction to alcohol and drugs.

LeAnn Ragusa

LeAnn Ragusa, Secretary

LeAnn Ragusa is a change management professional and a certified project manager with a BA in Disaster Science and Management. In 2019, LeAnn felt a spiritual calling to contribute to a cause that honors God through acts of service. In 2021, LeAnn answered her calling and joined Living Waters, a church in Walker committed to serving God by serving others through community outreach and support initiatives. LeAnn quickly found opportunities to exercise her talents and began overseeing the church's event planning and operational management. Through this role, LeAnn built relationships and learned about local ministry opportunities, including Stillwaters Refuge of Hope. After prayerful consideration, LeAnn joined the Stillwaters Board of Directors in October 2023 and began utilizing her change management and project management skills to further the mission of the organization. She continues to identify creative ways to leverage her career background to contribute to Stillwaters.


In her free time, LeAnn looks forward to spending time with her beloved husband and stepson. She is passionate about art and music and enjoys painting and playing the piano. She prays that God will continue use her hobbies and passions as instruments to further the kingdom of Christ.

Cheryl Russell

Cheryl Russell

Cheryl Russell is a formally retired teacher of 34 years with a BS in Elementary Education from LSU and a certification in Deaf Ed.  After being retired for 8 years, she recently returned to work with Deaf/Hard of Hearing Students.  After losing her husband of 24 years, Jay and retiring, 10 years ago, she wanted to focus her life on helping others.  She volunteered with A Door of Hope Women’s Ministry and as a Crisis Pregnancy Counselor for 4 years, before it was closed in 2019.  Cheryl then became a part of Stillwaters Refuge of Hope Women’s Ministry 4 years ago.  As a woman who has experienced trauma in her life, her desire has been to show other women that healing is possible through Jesus.  In 2012, Cheryl sought help for herself and embarked on her own spiritual journey in which she received godly counsel, discipleship in the truth of God’s Word, and prayer.  This journey led her to a more intimate relationship with God and true freedom and healing in Christ.  In 2016, she was baptized in the Jordan River on a trip to Israel, confirming her desire to walk in relationship with Jesus. 

Cheryl has a heart for pregnant moms and babies in crisis pregnancy as well as post abortive moms. She has shared her testimony of God’s redeeming grace as a post abortive mom, is a pro-life advocate, and wants to make a difference in women and children’s lives.

As a co-developer of the pregnancy support groups Nesting with Hope along with Mommy & Me, monthly meetings for pregnant moms as well as new moms and children, she helps to plan lessons to promote positive parenting skills, positive interactions between mom and child, and lessons that contain pre-academic skills that go along with Bible verses.

Cheryl is a 26-year member of Alpha Delta Kappa Educational Sorority and has served as Chapter Historian, President- Elect, President, Secretary and currently as the President-Elect.  She is a mother of 4, a grandmother of 8, and became a great-grandma last year.  Cheryl is honored and excited to be a part of the Stillwaters Refuge of Hope Ministry.

Martha Mack

Martha Mack

Martha Mack was born and raised in Glasgow, KY. She moved to Livingston, LA. in 2001 after meeting her husband Joey. They have been happily married now for 23 years and are the proud parents of two beautiful children Dristan & Da'Shae. At a very young age of only 5 years, while attending church with her grandmother the seed of Christ was planted into her heart. This seed has become the greatest gift of her life. Over the past 37 years the Lord has continued to nurture and water this seed, which has now grown too move her to give back what she was given. She now serves the community and the body of Christ. Martha and her husband Joey currently pastor Unity Prayer Center Church where she also holds numerous positions on multiple boards and ministries to further the love of Jesus to a hurting world.

Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight. Proverbs 3:5-6